E.G.N.Y.A. is a special charity that provides care and support to people with intellectual disabilities.
On Friday 19 January 2024 we participated in the information event for the Adult Education sector, in the framework of the Erasmus+ 2024 Call for Proposals, which was successfully organised by the IKY / Erasmus+ National Coordination Unit. The Coordinator of the European Programmes of E.G.N.Y.A. Mr. Pericles Vavourakis, participated as a speaker, presenting as a good practice the methodology for the successful implementation of the Erasmus+ funded Learning Mobility Key Action 1 (KA1) in the Adult Education sector with the project title "The new era of E.G.N.Y.A." ("The new era of EGNYA").

From 13-15 September 2023 the Coordinator of the European Programmes of the Hellenic National Health Service participated in a seminar on Accreditation for participants in Erasmus programmes in the Adult Education Sector, which was organized in Corfu by the IKY/National Coordination Unit for the Erasmus+ Programme.In this context, there was networking with similar institutions from Greece and abroad.
27 March 2023 - Participation of the Coordinator of European Programmes of the Hellenic National Health Service in a working group on Social Policy within the framework of the EPR (European Platform for Rehabilitation).In this group, the new directions and trends in the level of social policy at local, national and European level were discussed.
The Coordinator of the European Projects - Occupational Therapist and the Psychologist of E.G.N.Y.A. participated from 9 to 11 February 2023 in workshops in Italy with the five European organizations that will participate in the framework of Erasmus + KA2 in the Narrate Project, which aims to develop a methodology for the training of trainers of people with autism for their transition to the open labour market.

On 24 & 25/11/2022 the Social Worker of the E.G.N.Y.A. attended the annual conference for the European Day of People with Disabilities organized by the European Disability Forum and the European Commission in Brussels. During the Conference, policy makers, experts and representatives of persons with disabilities developed issues related to global policies to protect the rights of persons with disabilities, violence against persons with disabilities and challenges faced by young people with disabilities.

On 15-17/11/2022, the Hellenic National Health Service, as a member of the EPR (European Platform for Rehabilitation), visited the headquarters of L'ADAPT in Paris and the facilities of PéVA®, which operates training programmes for independent living for people with disabilities in Chinon (France). EPR members had the opportunity to exchange good practices on independent living and to discuss about the European Pillar of Social Rights, the UN guidelines on deinstitutionalisation and the European Disability Strategy.

In the framework of the "Quality of life and support Services" Conference organised by EASPD between 13-15/10/2022, the Coordinator of the European Programmes of the EGNYA was in Malta. In this context, topics of interest around quality of life and quality of services provided to people with disabilities were discussed. Contact was developed with both foreign and domestic institutions and issues of future cooperation on issues directly affecting service providers to people with disabilities were discussed.

In the framework of the Erasmus+ contact Seminar 'Supporting the inclusion of disadvantaged audiences and learners with fewer opportunities', the Coordinator of the European Programmes of EGNYA, with the kind co-funding of IKY, was in Belgium between 26-29/09/2022 where he met with organisations from all over Europe working with people with fewer opportunities. There was networking with different actors from abroad where opportunities for cooperation at the level of European Programmes were discussed. At the same time, KA1 and small-scale KA2 partnerships were presented in detail.

In July 2022 as a Host Organisation we welcomed colleagues from the Special Education Centre Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno - Wychowawczy nr 1 im. Jana Matejki (Poland) and the Social Care - Rehabilitation Organisation Mariaberg (Germany) to carry out on-site monitoring of our work, as well as to get acquainted with our beneficiary population, how we operate, our goals/objectives and our individual programmes in the context of networking and exchange of know-how - good practices.

24-25/05/2022 The European Programme Coordinator participated in the Gobal Oriented Project Planning Workshop held in Brussels by the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR).
The Coordinator of the European Programmes of EGNYA, Mr. Pericles Vavourakis, participated in the EASPD International Conference which took place in Zagreb, Croatia on 5 & 6 May 2022 on the topic: "The right to work in the future: what is the role of the social economy?" ("The Future of the Right to Work: What Role of the Social Economy?"), where the importance and role of the Social Economy in the professional inclusion of persons with disabilities was thoroughly analyzed.

On 16/03/2022 a meeting of the coordinators of European programmes of EPR (European Platform for Rehabilitation) member organisations was held, where our organisation participated and the developments at the level of the European Union in relation to disability issues were presented. Various European programmes in relation to work and technology were also presented. Finally, the possibility of cooperation and development of joint actions and programs between the institutions was discussed.
In the context of our participation in the Erasmus programme, the 2nd funded Learning Mobility KA1 - Adult Education Sector was implemented between 04/02/2022 - 10/02/2022. The participating group attended the Training Programme "Best for SEN - Adult Education & Care" by the Training Provider Anatolia Education & Consulting, in Lisbon, Sensory Integration, Play Therapy - Music Therapy, completing the Mobility Plan "The New Era of EGNYA", underlining the vision of the Institution for the "New Era of EGNYA".

On 16 December 2021 the European Programme Coordinator of the EPR participated in the "EPR Webinar on outcome and impact measurement for social services and interventions", where methods, tools, good practices and experiences were exchanged among the members of the European Platform for Rehabilitation in relation to measuring the outcomes and impact of services and interventions in the fields of work rehabilitation, disability and mental health.
On 10 December 2021 the European Programmes Coordinator of EPR participated as a presenter in the EPR online event "Challenges and Good Practice Supporting Older People with Disabilities" where in collaboration with other European Institutions and representatives of the European Commission, challenges, good practices and initiatives regarding the ageing of people with disabilities were discussed.
On 1 December 2021 the European Programmes Coordinator of EPR participated in the EPR online event "Resilience, creativity and co-production under COVID-19" where good practices, success factors and policy recommendations were discussed with service providers and the European Commission to analyse how service providers supporting people with disabilities show resilience, creativity and co-production during Covid-19.
In the framework of our participation in the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR), the Coordinator of the European Programmes of E.G.N.Y.A. visited Mariaberg, Germany on 16-17 November 2021 in order to exchange good practices and difficulties regarding services in the Community.

On 3 November 2021 the Coordinator of the European Programmes of the Hellenic National Health Service participated in the Workshop for Greece: SEQF (Supported Employment Quality Criteria) on the Quality Criteria in Supported Employment.
On 12-14 October 2021, the Hellenic Health Service participated in the EASPD International Conference in Brussels on: "Person centred technology to empower people and disability services" on person centred technology and empowerment of disability support services.

On September 15, 2021, our institution participated in the online working group of the European Platform for Rehabilitation with the Innovation Taskforce: employment, inclusion and ICF, exchanging know-how with similar European institutions on employment, inclusion and the International Classification of Functional Disability (ICF).
On September 9, 2021, the Hellenic National Health Service participated in a webinar of the European Platform for Rehabilitation with a thematic module: "Building organisational excellence: social media", exchanging know-how and promotion strategies from similar European Institutions.
We had the pleasure to be a Host Organisation for a Special Education Centre from Poland, "Zespół Szkół im. Janusza Korczaka" in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.
During the week of 19-23 July 2021, our visitors toured our Workshops and observed the activities of our Organization under the guidance of our beneficiaries.

We collaborated with the International Youth Organization AIESEC in Greece, participating in the AIESEC's International Volunteer Program "Global Volunteer". hosted the social project "NGO4change", with the reception of 2 volunteers from abroad, who were actively employed in our Institution in the fields of marketing, social media management, promotion and networking, promoting the action and vision of our Organization, and promoting the development of new partnerships.

The Roof of the E.G.N.Y.A. in the framework of the Erasmus+ 2020 programme implemented during the period 06/06/2021 - 12/06/2021 the first funded Key Action 1 (KA1) Learning Mobility in the field of Adult Education with the project title "The new era of the E.G.N.Y.A." ("The new era of EGNYA"). More specifically, the 7 mobility participants coming from different employment departments and specialties visited the Special Education Centre Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno - Wychowawczy nr 1 w Krakowie and carried out on-site job shadowing, observing and exchanging know-how in innovative practices - methods of education and intervention.

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